ckirknielsen’s avatarckirknielsen’s Twitter Archive—№ 909

  1. I sure love modern CSS. Some links inside headings had big underlines on a project but that's 12 selectors to repeat… Instead of using & * in Sass, :is() to the rescue! (this isn't revolutionary or new but it's cool and reduces repetition in your Sass and compiled CSS files)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @ckirknielsen
      - @​at-root is required so Sass doesn't compile to h1:is(…) *, h2:is(…) * and so on, due to the ampersand not being the "native" one (not sure how to explain this better!). - We wrap the & in Sass's interpolation syntax, as without it, it would compile to :is(&). Neat.