ckirknielsen’s avatarckirknielsen’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,239

  1. Made a thing (preview image isn't great, but I had fun). 🚀 Have a good night/day! #www
    OpenGraph image for
    1. …in reply to @ckirknielsen
      This was inspired by a French word for Internet users: "Internaute", which sounds tacky but is kind of cool: explorers of the Internet! France isn't as proficient as Quebec with Frenchifying, but this one, I like. (also, DesignByHumans has a cool silver bottle option… spaaace!)
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    2. …in reply to @ckirknielsen
      (I love the Worm logo but the Meatball works better for "WWW")