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Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. I will not participate on Twitter while D*nald Tr*mp has an active account. #VoteWithYourTweet Use your voice. Join us on
  2. At the end of September I started running. I've been pretty inactive in life, but since I'm turning 30 in December, I figured it'd be a good time to do something about it. Ran a 5K in freezing weather this morning and it was nice. I even saw red cardinals! (not pictured, sorry)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. We'll see how it goes here or there but anyways, I created a Mastodon account, juuuust in case: (and I got "verified" there for free AND I can buy an $8 coffee—wow!).
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  4. Trying to see if I can travel back to France to see my family in December. I sent a green card renewal form in March 2021 and its status hasn't changed since then, despite an average of 15.5 months processing. So I call USCIS to get some info. The automated agent isn't helping…
  5. Distracting myself from *gestures around*, I made a couple of stickers designs. But what'd be even better is if you went to vote if you're in the US and get an "I VOTED" sticker! Anyways, I present Radical Duotype: 🔗 🔗
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  6. I've been working on a "major" update to my website for a few months. It's quite similar but has… 5 themes! And a better synth on the About page (definitely need to get a real one again). Still with eleven_ty of course—render + i18n are great plugins! 🔗
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  7. Y'all need more BDG briamgilbert in your life, you're welcome. (every video/song is just *chef's kiss*)
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  8. I found out that paint-order works with -webkit-text-stroke, neat!* However, underlines are (expectedly) painted below the stroke, and hyphens are (unexpectedly) painted, stroke and fill, above the regular text next to it. Demo: * in Firefox only
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  9. I aliased a git cmd to move commits from one branch to another (usually main to dev). A bad idea? 🤷 .gitconfig [alias] switcheroo = "!f(){ git checkout ${3}; git cherry-pick ${1}; git checkout ${2}; git reset --hard HEAD~1; }; f" ➡️ e.g: git switcheroo 7edaf7 main dev
  10. Came up with a need for a CSS grid with a maximum number of columns, so I wrote about it here: (I found out after thinking this up and writing about it that this kind of resource already existed, but… oh well)
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  11. Got my flu shot and my COVID vaccine booster in one go, fun! If you are in the US, check your local pharmacy to see if you can get a booster. Unlike a lot of other things, this one healthcare thing is free, so… nice, I guess?
  12. Found a new use case for overflow:clip over hidden. I have a block with rounded corners, but then it has nested content and I can't be bothered to apply inherit for each section… hidden hides the content's corners, but now scroll-margin doesn't work! clip fixes that. 🎉
  13. My reaction when my friend asks me "what's the best way to make a website these days?" (hint: eleven_ty)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. Just discovered you could use calc() in a media query…? It makes sense that it would work, and yet I feel like I just discovered a big secret. It's probably not good practice but still… cool stuff! 👀
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. Yeah CSS getting :has() is going to allow for cleaner markup, reduce JS dependencies and make things look cooler… but do you realise just _how many ads_ we will be able to hide with a custom stylesheet now? Gmail ads? Gone. Sponsored tweets? Gone. Free your mind!
  16. In firefox, you cannot animate an SVG element's geometric property using unitless values. I got told this is because CSS requires units. Fair, but since this is changing an SVG element, shouldn't it obey SVG rules? 🐛 Bug: 🧪 Demo:
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  17. Okay so I am now running eleven_ty within Eleventy so I can build before I build. Is this 11x engineering? 🎈 (context: minifying code on ~80 pages took "long" but it's always the same code, so now I compile it to a file in the before event which I then include) …Blogpost? 👀
  18. Some sort of #CSS tip I guess: You can animate your box-shadow from outside to inside, and even DRY it up with animated custom properties* and a space toggle. *wherever custom properties are animatable, i.e. Chrome.
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  19. Spent my Sunday setting up the TV. Landlord said we can't drill into the wall, so I built a custom wooden frame that I fixed into to existing holes, and the bottom rests on the mantel for support. Frameworks? I sure hope it does. Okay that's enough arts and crafts. 🙃
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. Sorry this is a no-cutesy-chitchat zone.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. Just found the source files for my old website (2009!) running on PHP 4.3, with an SQL file that shows accented characters incorrectly (vive la France !). I must now get this running on macOS, of course.
  22. Wrote about how I used eleven_ty's Render plugin to manage my SVG assets (thanks brob for asking!) while passing data and whatnot:
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  23. CSSunday demo! Add a hover effect on an image only when the card links are hovered: I wanted to reach for :has() but to keep things more compatible, I've come up with a workaround cancelling pointer events on the card and restoring them on links.
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  24. Having a little more play around with semi-opaque underlines from a solid colour. Haven't figured out higher-DPI devices but quick tests with 1x and Retina displays seems to work well enough. This will all be futile once relative color lands in CSS!
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  25. Pushing CSS DRY switching further, I made "token-based" themes with defaults. Using great LeaVerou tips & setting @​property's initial value, spaces are discarded & defaults are used! Caveats: no var() default, no custom idents/list (?). (Chromium only)
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  26. Both a blessing and a curse, the urge to pause videos that have "HACKER CODE" means you see a whole lot of HTML, even in dystopian cybernetic futures. HTML's backward and forward compatibility hard at work. What a neat programming language. 💜
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  27. I dislike doing self-promo but I've moving at the end of the month, so if you'd like to get yourself one of my dev shirts, they are 20% off on RedBubble (sitewide!) with code EYECANDY — cheerio! ➡️
    OpenGraph image for my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  28. If you live in the US, you can get 8 COVID test kits for free:
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  29. I genuinely believe I have gotten orders of magnitude better at CSS thanks to folks like Andy. This talk is packed with excellent information, don't miss out! piccalilli_/1544310058497998850
  30. Spam is getting so creative it's coming up with new days and months!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  31. Ah, yeah, sorry there Duo, I was totally wrong indeed.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  32. Had a play with the Vaporwave aesthetic this weekend after getting this big brain idea of "AESTHETI.CSS". It doesn't feature marble statues, but there is arcane technology. 💫
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  33. Ah yes, my shirt design definitely is a useful resource to learn about HTML, but it is missing a little 🤏✨ spam.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  34. Had this in my drafts for over a year so screw it, just gonna let this one about JavaScript types go:
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  35. 🙅 Tired: Spending thirty seconds copying a comma-separated list of tags one by one into an input that doesn't auto-split. 💁Wired: Spending ten minutes toying in DevTools to automate it with input events.
  36. I am about to rickroll you but you won't mind: (and if you don't know alexmelton, you're missing out)
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  37. Wrote a quick #CSS tip article over the weekend. Most of you probably knew, even instinctively, but I need to improve my writing so here you go:
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  38. I could really use a :has-nth-children(6) CSS selector right now, so I went looking for a potential proposal… But wait! :has(> :nth-child(6):last-child)` will do the trick. Not as palatable but definitely works. Easier to wait for :has to be implemented than a new selector!